Gratitude is the theme of the week… and it seems an appropriate topic with Christmas just around the corner! Recognizing and acknowledging the gifts in your life (big and small) can lead you to a happier, more positive life.
Sometimes I have a hard time taking the time to stop and smell the roses. I’m busy!!! But when I don’t take the time to appreciate all the good things I have – then it’s an easy switch for me to flip to the dark side. For me, that often takes the form of self-deprecating comments, self-sabotage, and never being satisfied with who I am or what I have. When this happens – I tend to do a lot of eating and shopping… but the food and the things only drag me deeper.
I used to practice conscious gratitude pretty regularly but fell out of the habit after my Mom passed away. When I practiced gratitude I felt content with what I had and found joy in so many things. I put good energy out into the Universe and I felt I received it back in spades. This is the magic of gratitude.
It’s all a process though! Change doesn’t happen overnight, but I’m committed to practicing gratitude every day. I also think this is a great opportunity to teach my son about gratitude, and I’ve asked him if he’d like to help me fill the jar with all the things he’s grateful for. He’s all in… and so am I!
Because Christmas is next week – I want to gift you with this gratitude truth bomb by one of my favorite motivational speakers, Zig Ziglar:
The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for.
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas!