For the Dieters Who've Tried "Everything":

It doesn’t have to be All or None

Getting to your ideal weight goal and staying there does NOT require extreme measures. But, it does require a formula…a medical one.

Dr. Angela Tran, America’s Transformational Weight Loss Doctor and Health coach in Denver, founder and CEO of Med-Fit.
Image shows a middle-aged Asian woman out for a run on an autumn day

Does this sound like you?

✔️ Been told by others that you hardly eat and yet you wonder why you keep gaining weight?

✔️ Not hungry in the morning and so busy that you don’t eat lunch until 2 pm

✔️ Exercise consistently 3-5 days a week but the number on the scale doesn’t go down

✔️ Told your labs were “normal” by your doctor but you still don’t feel right

You’re not crazy and you’re not alone. Losing weight and keeping it off doesn’t have to be impossible for you.

We help people who have been in the same position as you lose unwanted weight, feel confident in their bodies and feel the best they’ve felt in years.

Get the balanced approach to weight loss.

We understand the discouragement, helplessness, and exhaustion you feel when you’re not getting tailored support for your weight loss journey. 

Our team wants to help you avoid the crash-and-burn of fad diets with a balanced approach based on you, your goals, lifestyle, and history.  

At Med-Fit, we believe you deserve to live a life full of joy and confidence where you wake up every day full of energy.

At Med-Fit Medical Weight Loss, we have:

– 10+ years of experience in practice

– collectively helped our patients lose over 100,000 lbs

– and over 70% success rate in maintaining our patients’ target weight.

We help patients committed to their health uncover and treat the root cause of their weight problems, and with medical predictability, help them lose weight quickly.

Our team of registered dietitians, accountability health coaches, and fitness trainers ensures your safety with medical supervision.

med-fit weight loss: woman sitting in a park and meditating

After your Medical Weight Loss Consultation, you will:

image depicts middle-aged woman with glasses talking to someone off camera

Be able to identify what the barriers to your weight loss goals are

two professional women sitting in chairs having a conversation

Have an action plan that is physician-supervised for long-term results

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Understand your metabolism and have the right tools to confidently keep your weight off sustainably

Is Med-Fit Medical Weight Loss a Good Fit for You?

Our program is right for you if… 

You have tried: Are looking for:
  • Quick fixes and fad diets
  • Scientifically proven methods for long-term results to sustainably maintain your weight
  • Unsupervised and unsafe diets and weight loss 
  • One-on-one advice from trusted medical doctors and physician-supervised action plans
  • Generic weight loss plans
  • Personally tailored weight-loss programs, support, and education that fit your specific needs 

This is NOT for someone…

❌Looking for a quick and unsustainable fix 

❌Who is not ready to make healthy lifestyle changes 

❌Who doesn’t have time to invest in their health and well-being

Dr. Angela Tran, America’s Transformational Weight Loss Doctor and Health coach in Denver, founder and CEO of Med-Fit.

About Dr. Angela Tran, D.O.

Dr. Angela Tran is one of the few Double Board-Certified Internal Medicine and Obesity Medicine specialists in the U.S. She is an Amazon Best Selling Author of Fat Girl Funeral and has been featured as a Medical Expert Guest on 9News Denver, FOX 31, and a recurring guest on Melissa Moore’s show on KOSI 101.1. She has practiced in primary care since 2007, and recognized that obesity was often the root cause of many chronic medical conditions that she saw in her office including diabetes and high blood pressure. While she had a brick-and-mortar office from September 2012 to March 2020, she quickly pivoted and restructured her business model to serve patients virtually. Now, her patients are experiencing even more success since being 100% online. 

Our Patients are able to:

Maintain a healthy weight without starving themselves

Be lean and fit without requiring hours at the gym

Eat the food they desire and still lose weight

Enjoy eating with their family and in social settings without being that “Diet” girl

Be in full control of their metabolism

Be comfortable and confident in their bodies

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Cindy struggled with her weight throughout her life. By addressing all aspects of her life with Med-Fit Medical Weight Loss, she regained her self-confidence and lost over 140 lbs in a year. 

You don’t need to do this by yourself.

Med-Fit Medical Weight Loss is here to support you on your journey through lifestyle education, fitness training, diet plans, and medical expertise. Get everything you need to reach your weight loss goal under one clinic with Med-Fit Medical Weight Loss.

Hear about our client’s long-lasting results!

It’s not just about the before vs after photos, it’s about maintaining the weight loss and the new lifestyle you get to enjoy.

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Meet Denise – one of our first clients. Denise was obese and mentally defeated before she came to our Med-Fit Clinic. After 9 years, she has still kept her weight off.

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During the Global COVID-19 Pandemic, Shelly lost 50 lbs.

Dr. Angela Tran speaking about gut-brain health on 9News Denver. 

Dr. Angela Tran speaking about sleep health on 9News Denver.

Take control of your health.

Take ownership of your health with the help of our Med-Fit Medical Weight Loss. Improve your energy levels with our expert-guided diet and exercise programs, and increase your self-confidence. Our team is here to guide you every step of the way on your journey to better health!

Med-Fit Medical Weight Loss offers safe, sustainable weight loss solutions.