The simple fact is that most modern weight loss programs aren’t really meant to help you lose weight. They are meant to sell you a product. The information you hear in commercials, popular magazines, and internet chat boards isn’t always accurate. It is designed to convince you to decide to buy their plan, not to provide real education or a viable path to long-term health.
If you’re tired of fad diets that deliver nothing but promises, it’s time to talk to your doctor. With professional assistance, it is possible to achieve medical weight loss that creates a newer, healthier lifestyle. This new way of life effectively ends yo-yo dieting and naturally results in long-term weight loss. How can you achieve medical weight loss with your doctor’s guidance?
Eat to Live, Not to Lose
The biggest problem with many popular eating plans is that they lack substance. In the quest to cut calories, these weight loss plans also cut flavor, nutrients, and the visual and emotional appeal that makes eating a joyful part of your daily life. The logic makes sense. Eating fewer calories creates a deficit. When your body runs out of fuel from food, it will switch to internal body sources to keep vital processes going. Over time, this simple strategy does lead to lower numbers on the scale.
However, when it comes to real, sustainable weight loss, calories are just one part of the picture. Once you talk to your doctor about a realistic plan to achieve medical weight loss, it quickly becomes apparent that there are several problems with the seemingly simple idea of calorie deficits.
- Your body needs more than calories to maintain optimal health. The vitamins and minerals you consume are important too. Routinely consuming fewer nutrients than your system needs, makes it impossible for your body to maintain strong bones, tissues, and hormonal processes. Instead of feeling great about your weight loss, you end up weak, sick, unable to maintain your energy throughout the day.
- Enjoyment is a huge part of the eating experience. Oversimplified weight loss plans give you limited options for ingredients and preparation style that leave you eating pretty much the same thing repeatedly. This deprivation can lead you to experience intense cravings for the foods you love, which means your diet can be easily derailed.
- Diabetes, heart disease, and other common obesity-related conditions make it difficult to manage your health correctly in a low-calorie program. While some popular diet plans claim to be designed for specific health problems, there is usually very little real medical data to back that up.
Rather than trusting your long-term health to a diet plan designed mostly for short-term results, talk to a trusted health professional. Your doctor can help you achieve medical weight loss with a diet plan that preserves all the nutrition and taste you need to avoid common pitfalls that prevent many from reaching their ideal weight. Instead of eating simply to lose weight, you learn to eat for a healthier body overall.
When Eating Plans Aren’t Enough
The myth of willpower is another big problem for modern dieters. Purveyors of super-stringent eating plans shower you with images of successful users who were able to “stick with it” long enough to rid themselves of enormous amounts of weight. These stories are meant to prove that the plan itself, if followed correctly, is infallible. If you fail, it’s because you didn’t try hard enough.
However, there are a few brave weight loss enthusiasts who understand that willpower isn’t always enough. No matter how much you might want it, your brain chemistry or hormonal balances may simply not allow it. With your doctor’s guidance, you can still achieve medical weight loss, even when your body doesn’t want to cooperate.
To achieve medical weight loss, your doctor’s supervision is the single most powerful component of a successful program. Your doctor can chart your progress to identify patterns that could point to body chemistry issues, provide medical tests that help shed light on your weight loss problems, and provide medications that supplement your body’s own production to balance out hormones and kick start your metabolic processes. Prescription appetite suppressants, personalized vitamin regimens, and medically informed nutrition ensure that you achieve medical weight loss regardless of the physical deficiencies you face.
Don’t become an emotional victim to another diet plan that blames you for its lack of substance. See your doctor for real advice to help you achieve medical weight loss despite your body chemistry.
Meaningful and Knowledgeable Support for Every Step of Your Journey
With many diet plans on the marketplace, you get very little real support. Some plans include chat boards where you share your struggles and successes with other dieters. Others give you access to article archives and exclusive content meant to provide motivational and inspirational data. Some may give you a phone number or email address that lets you ask questions of “experts” when you encounter a problem.
Even with all these resources, you might still find yourself fumbling in the dark towards your weight loss goal. When you can’t find the answer to your specific question in a jumble of pre-produced online content or simply don’t know enough to ask the right questions of online diet assistants, you can easily end up getting frustrated or devising your own solution. When you’re frustrated, it’s easy to give up altogether. If you decide to try out a self-made solution, you could unwittingly be setting yourself back.
To achieve medical weight loss in the most sensible way, your doctor provides factually based plans for your eating and exercise routines. Continuous access to academically trained medical professionals ensures that you always get the right information when you need it most. Also, working closely with your doctor ensures that the information you receive is relevant to your personal health conditions, which makes it less likely that you’ll experience unpleasant side effects.
Achieve Medical Weight Loss for Long-term Results
Before you commit to any weight loss program, talk to your primary care physician. Have them examine the components and requirements of the plan and give you an idea of how these might affect your personal medical profile. Don’t be afraid to ask for suggestions. Unlike the salespeople who bombard you daily with popular diet plans, your doctor isn’t driven by the desire for profit. Rather, they simply want to see you live your healthiest, happiest, and most physically fit lifestyle.